Tag Archives: SCIENTIST

Scientist Predicts Eugenic Society in 5 Years: Gene Tests to Determine Lover’s Compatibility

Christine Hsu Medical Daily It seems we may be heading into a new era of eugenics, and in the future, instead of choosing to settle with partners we love, we may be choosing them based on the compatibility of our … Continue reading

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How Tomatoes Lost Their Taste

Kai Kupferschmidt Science Now The next time you bite into a supermarket tomato and are less than impressed with the taste, blame aesthetics. A new study reveals that decades of breeding the fruits for uniform color have robbed them of … Continue reading

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Democide: Statistics and Implications

“Power kills and absolute power kills absolutely.” -Lord Acton The term democide is widely unrecognized in common everyday language due to its obscure nature, yet it is quite prevalent throughout the history of human existence. Redefined by the political scientist … Continue reading

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Kinect to watch your emotions and serve up ads

Jacob Aaron New Scientist Online adverts are already tailored to your search and browsing history, but now Microsoft has plans to add emotions to the mix. In a recently revealed patent application the company suggests that using its Kinect sensor … Continue reading

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Gulf of Despair – USA

SBS Journeyman Pictures May 2012 Two years after the Gulf of Mexico disaster BP say the area is back in business. But in reality oil is washing up on the beaches, local residents are falling ill and the peak of … Continue reading

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The Latest “Breakthrough”: Gas-releasing Aspirin?

ANH-USA Can’t we give something natural a try first? In March, two studies were published which suggested that aspirin may be an inexpensive and powerful weapon to fight cancer. This isn’t surprising. Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory and most anti-inflammatories seem … Continue reading

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The Church of Malthus

Tony Cartalucci Land Destroyer Hating humanity is their creed, corporate-fascists its patriarchs, pseudo-scientists its priest-class, brain-addled cultists its practitioners. Video: Church of Malthus evangelist, Paul Gilding in his “the Earth is Full” talk, tells us one million years of human … Continue reading

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‘Gaia’ scientist James Lovelock: I was ‘alarmist’ about climate change

Ian Johnston msnbc.com James Lovelock, the maverick scientist who became a guru to the environmental movement with his “Gaia” theory of the Earth as a single organism, has admitted to being “alarmist” about climate change and says other environmental commentators, such … Continue reading

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Why It’s Especially Significant To Increase Your Metabolism In The Next 12 Months

Michael Forrester Prevent Disease If you’re thinking about increasing your metabolism or embarking on a fitness regime, the next 12 months may be the best time in the history of our species. Our ever evolving consciousness is accelerating rapidly and … Continue reading

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Scientist helps students adapt to climate change

Source: CBC NEws Toronto high school students are being encouraged to wreak environmental havoc on imaginary populations — with the goal of learning more about adapting to climate change. A new course, called “Studying Climate Change, Health and Adaptation,” began … Continue reading

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