Q&A: Guarana in Energy Drinks

Question: Discuss the contraindications associated with guarana that is found in most energy drinks.

Answer: Guarana’s contraindications are:

  1. Avoid caffeine during pregnancy as increases in caffeine aare present in mother’s milk, has been associated with fetal loss, low birth weight and premature deliveries in humans, and birth defects in animals.
  2. Prolonged use may cause insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, stomach pains and similar effects (all speculative).
  3. Psychological disorders (speculative) can aggravate depression or anxiety neurosis.
  4. Heart disorders (speculative) as caffeine increases heart beat or causes exacerbating arrhythmias (empirical).
  5. Duodenal ulcers (speculative) after increases in gastric acid secretion due to caffeine.
  6. Kidney disorders (speculative) due to the diuretic effect of caffeine.

Herb Contraindications and Drug Interactions, by Francis Brinker, N.D.
A-Z Guide to Drug-Herb-Vitamin Interactions, by Alan R. Gaby, editor.

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